As a kid, storytelling was one thing I found irresistible. I would sit at my mother’s feet listening to all kinds of exciting stories, ranging from family history to folklore. Storytelling is a family tradition that most kids enjoy – adults too. After all, women gossip- and men too. Almost every grown-up was good at telling stories. My cousin, Godwin Governor, was an interesting one. My father was a fabulous and humorous one who could make you laugh until your jaws ache. But there is something about my mother’s stories that I don’t seem to decipher. They made me think about life so that as I write now, many of the stories replay in my mind. They appear so natural that I seem to live with the characters; eat, laugh, sorrow, play and do all kinds of things they do, so that even when the stories ended with Mum’s moral lessons, they began with my ethical living. Due to the impression the stories had on me, I decided to be a replica storyteller because I seemed to learn better with storytelling. And now I have a story to tell. I will try hard to carry you along as my mother did – my father too.

When did you first start writing?
I started writing, better to say, making books before I was six (6) years old. The words were incomprehensible, but my mother loved them. She kept them away until I was seven (7) years old, and then showed them to me. When I saw the books I made out of leaves of notebooks bound with broomsticks, I was inspired to start writing stories and making comics.
In my lovely little town of Sapele, Delta State in Nigeria, then in the 80s, there were no known book publishers. I remember walking down maybe over 5 miles as a teenager looking for a publisher. When I did not find anyone to print or publish my comic book, I gave up.
Things, however, changed when I grew up and moved to Port Harcourt city years later. In 1998, when I was 19 years old, I eventually published my first book, “Fire of Love – A Fresh Baptism of God’s Love.” and since then, it has become second nature.
What's the story behind your latest book?
The comic, “Pursuit of Power,” is a book I hope everyone reads, and enjoy as I have over the years. I completed the story in 2013 but did not feel it was the right time to publish it as a book. Although it has a solid religious background, the story looked more like a romantic thriller to me. My inner circle that read it wished that it was a motion picture. We all thought it would be better if people did not just read the words but visualize it. So I was reluctant to publish it.
Recently, I decided that since I could not get it into Hollywood, such a story should not go to waste; I could go back to my first love: Comic! But how was I going to do it? I have not drawn a picture in over twenty years. It felt painful that I just let that gift go to waste.
It was the pain that inspired me to search for a platform where I could create characters, even if I could not draw them from scratch anymore; I just would not let that story go to waste. Luckily, my search brought me to Pixton Pro comic maker that allowed me to create my characters and comics. It was a wow feeling! Upon a conversation with the back-end office, I realized that if I got the reseller’s license, I could turn my novels into comics again. And I gladly did.
In no time, I was ready with the first of several series from my unpublished Novel. Although, I should add that when the book is published, you will notice it’s a little different from the comic series. It would not make sense that the Comic story and Novel are the same, right?
I must add that it is a comic more for grown-ups!
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
I am fascinated by words, especially written words. The moment I could read independently, I read everything I could get my hands on. The satisfaction was and still is overwhelming in a society where reading is a rarity. This same fascination moved me to write words that would give people pleasure the way others had given me.
What do your fans mean to you?
My fans mean the world to me. I search for words to describe how much I appreciate that someone would spend their money to buy my book and devote time to read them. Sometimes I wish I could be there to tell the story in person – and I have delightfully done that a few times when required.
I have met many of my lovely fans and formed lifelong friendships. Whenever I create any work, I think about them. What would give them satisfaction and pleasure? For them, I put in the time, resources, and effort to create a delightful story. And I strive to get better.
Thank you for being there for me always.
I love you all.
What are you working on next?
I have partitioned my writing desk in two. The “Pursuit of Power” comic series occupies one, while the other is for my next book, “Carrier of the Goatskin.” I hope it gets published this summer. On the other hand, I want the comic series to be ready in time for my fans. But let’s see what happens.
I will throw a little light into my next book. Ambition caused the extinction of the world before ours, and this present world stands at the precipice. However, a young couple in Okpe Land, a little village in West Africa, may become Earth’s saving grace. But we will see what happens when it comes out.
What words of do you have for your fans at this difficult moment?
Firstly, I want to extend my condolences for the countless loss of lives and sympathy to those sick right now. We pray for a swift recovery. It’ s such a difficult time we are in right now, and I hope things get back to normal sooner than expected. Meanwhile, I want to encourage my fans to remain calm and follow all the necessary guidelines to keep themselves and others safe. We must work together and hope for the best.